I'm not a vet, but one possibility could be demodectic mange - have your vet
take a scraping and look at it under the microscope to see if it is
demodectic mange or possibly some other type of mange or parasite.
This is an "opportunistic" parasite - we all have it on our bodies, but when
are resistance is low, the bugs take over.
There are several dips for demodectic mange, but I would be afraid to use
them on the face - and, IMO, the most favored one is quite toxic.
What worked for me when Mickey had an outbreak of this mange was 1/8 tsp of
brewer's yeast daily in baby food.  It took about 3 wks to clear up (after
months of using conventional ointments and sulpher dips) and he was never
bothered with it again.
(Brewer's yeast contains vitamin B12, which was recommended by the vets at
the Black-footed Ferret Organization in Wyoming - this was back in 87 when
not a lot of vets were experienced with ferrets which is why I called
Of course, it could be something completely different, but have your vet
check a scraping to find out.
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1591]