Susan, sorry to hear about Sylvia, you said that you suspect that the
accident occurred in the cage.  My suggestion to further ferret proof the
cage against future falls is to place a large doggie bed pillow in the
bottom of the cage to prevent hard falls.  When my darling daughters moved
into their new three story condo about a month and a half ago, I noticed
that the 3rd level was a good 4 feet from the ground.  The ladders appeared
to be to steep for the 12 week old babies so I went down to the nearest pet
store and bought the most cushion pillow I would find.  Now if they tend to
wake up slowly and roll of the hammocks, they just roll onto their big
Rosie and Maxie said to please sign Sylvia's cute little pink cast
for them.
I read something recently (yesterday) from the WWW that just infuriated me.
Listen to this: A few days ago the Southbay Animal Control had recovered a
lost ferret.  After Pat Wright called them to say that he would try to get
someone over there to pick up the ferret.  When he called back again he
received information that the male, a six month old kit was put to sleep,
and that they didn't need a reason because it was county property.  If you
want to help in the cause to legalize ferrets in California call Pat Wright
at (619) 584- 8427, or you can e-mail Pat at [log in to unmask]  Please
also fax Animal Control with a message like "STOP KILLING OUR FERRETS!!!" at
(619) 470-9155, OR YOU CAN JUST CALL THEM AT (619) 691-4405
The Ferrets Anonymous Group picket the front of the South Bay Animal Control
Shelter in Bonita California on Saturday, May 4th and brought about 36
people.  a beautiful tombstone was put in front of the shelter, and flowers,
toys and ferret treats were put at the base.  The shelter sent someone out
to take a picture of the picketers.  She did not identify herself, nor did
the press show up even thought they were called.
What Ferret Anonymous suggests is that we need to work together and go the
county Board of Supervisors and request a no-kill policy for ferrets at
county shelters were ferrets are not yet legal.  They will inform the Board
that FA will pay to have the ferrets flown out of the state (and not to ask
to take possession) and that all ferrets to be reported to the Lost and
Found Registry.
This should take place in all places where ferrets are illegal.  There is a
male ferret in the Orange County Animal Control Shelter in California and FA
hopes that he will not find the same fate that his friend did.
Lisa Mancilla
Rosie~mom the whole world is a ferret tunnel
Maxie~mom every corner is a poop corner
P.S. Everyone please kiss your ferrets for me!!!!
Lisa Mancilla aka Snaazie
[Posted in FML issue 1587]