Jeff Johnston wrote:
>Debbie Riccio mentioned the importance of yearly distemper boosters.
>Actually, it's not know if ferrets really need them annually.
Jeff - why did you write that?!  It's hard enough trying to get pet owners
to complete an initial series of vaccines without you complicating the issue
by throwing in this statement!
Years working in a local animal hospital showed me how many pet owners
failed to complete the initial series for puppies, kittens, and ferrets,
making the money they already spent worthless and their pets unprotected.
You admit that at this time it is "unknown" if ferrets really need them
annually, however, some people may take that statement and run with it and
think they no longer need to get annual vaccinations.  How many vets, vet
techs, and receptionists have heard this statement, "yes, she had all her
shots when she was a puppy, kitten, kit." - and the animal is 5 years old!
Ferret owners: TAKE YOUR FERRETS TO THE VET ANNUALLY!  At the very least,
your pet needs an annual exam by a vet to check for lumps and bumps,
enlarged organs, heart and lung sounds - even if your ferret doesn't need an
annual booster, it certainly won't hurt the ferret to have the vaccine, and
the price for the annual exam with or without the vaccine is the same in
most clinics.
I spoke with Roger Brady of United Vaccine a few weeks ago, and they are
working on a nasal vaccine form of Fer-Vac - as an alternative for those
ferrets who have had reactions to the injectable version.  Hopefully, it
will be available in the next 2 years or so.
BTW, Halo was vaccinated for distemper in mid-February and bred in March,
so her vaccine antibody level was high enough for kit protection.
Debbie Riccio
Rochester, NY
[Posted in FML issue 1617]