Greetings Fuzzies and Companion People
Bob (with one O):
Your escapade with your "shorts surfing" fuzzy brought tears to our eyes!
We have laughed at some of your stories but, having come close to
experiencing the same delimma, Don really appreciated this one!  <g> Thanks,
Bob, for sharing one of "Life's More Embarrassing Moments!" <heehee....
nahhhh.... GUFFAW was more like it!>
Thanks for sharing the information about the Durham incident.  Can anyone
else contribute what the NC state policy on ferrets is?  My folks live down
there and we would like to take Peanut with us when we go for a long
weekend, but we have great concern about taking him into a fert-unfriendly
FLO REPORT..... Cadet Peanut reporting:
I almost succeeded in pulling off a coup.  I was exploring Dad's desk, in
search of new and unusual items that would help the FLO cause... and THERE
IT WAS!  The big square thing with a lid, where the special little crunchy
circles are kept!  I edged my way over to it... trying not to draw
atttention to myself.  I nudged the box..  once... twice..... SUCCESS!... I
pushed it off the desk onto the floor.  In two leaps, I bounced onto Dad's
lap and onto the floor.  I grabbed the box and almost had it to the hidey
hole..  when... CAUGHT!  Dad looked at me very sternly and said "WHAT ARE
YOU DOING??????" He retrieved my prize and put it on Mom's desk..  then
pulled her chair ladder away so I couldn't get to it!  RATS!  I'll have to
think of some other way to get that box!  If any cadets out there can give
me some suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it!  I'm kinda new at this,
being only 6 months old..but I'm smart and I learn new things very quickly.
Dooks to all!
 Cadet Peanut..OUT!
[Posted in FML issue 1615]