A friend of min recently acquired a ferret from a shelter.  She adores the
little beastie but has some questions.  Unfortunately, she does not have
acces to internet mail.  I ma therefore posting these questions for her.
Please respond via email to [log in to unmask]
1. Please tell me what kinds of things your ferret loves to eat for special
   reward treats.
2. Please tell me your proven method of teaching young adult ferret the
   proper and consistent use of cat litter box.
3. What is meant (generally) by ferret standing still, wagging tail in an
   exaggerated manner?
4. What are your experiences with ferret shampoos and how often do you
   think is best to bathe - what kinds of batsh do your ferrets like best?
Thank you again,
Henry W. Meyerding
[Posted in FML issue 1615]