First off...Some people may have noticed I made a mistake in my post about
litter and spelled Troy Lynn's last name wrong!  Sorry Troy Lynn.  [It
should have been Troy Lynn Eckart (FFS)].  I have a bad habit of typing the
first part of your e-mail address!  :)
Now for my question regarding ferrets and teeth.  Can you tell a ferrets
approximate age by looking at the teeth?  I used to goto a vet that would
look at the teeth and guess the age of the animal.  If so how close to the
age can you get?  Is there any way of finding out how old a ferret is?  I
have two ferrets that I purchased a while ago from a newspaper add.  The
lady claimed that she thought the older of the two was approximately 2 1/2
years old but she didn't know for sure because she purchased him from a
previous owner.  If this were true he should be a little over 3 years old
now, but sometimes I wonder if he isn't older than that.  He still plays
like the other guys and has a lot of spunk, but he tires out faster and is
much more laid back at times.  I have another ferret that would be about
that age also, but Gizmo just acts older.  He doesn't appear to have any
kind of health problems.  He doesn't act ill or sick.  Does anyone know of a
way I can find out how old he really is?  And, if there is any truth to the
teeth thing could someone explain how it works??  Thanks.
Hugs & Dooks!
Deana (Bear, Bandit, Gizmo, & Rascal)
[Posted in FML issue 1614]