Re: FML Content
I like the FML and I think BIG does an excellent job moderating it.
Although it's readership has grown around 2000 people since I started
reading it and well over 1000 lines per post, I still enjoy it.  I don't
have time to read every post word-for-word like I used to, but I still enjoy
it.  I just skim the posts I'm not particularly interested in and read the
ones I am interested in.
I like the diversity of the list and I really wouldn't want to see it change
in format.  If the diversity isn't something you can handle, then maybe this
list just isn't for you.  Just my $.02....
Re: English Language
>I believe it is "Ne Yuawk", "New Yawk" is what the tourists from Boston call
>the city.  (Mind you both of these are different from "Lawn Guyland" and we
>won't even try Brooklynese.) ...if memory serves MF is in NY.
Well it's not surprising that your fuzz-heads are not exhibitting the
classic NYC accents if they are MF ferrets.  MF is located 300-400 miles
away from NYC.  Actually, MF is not all that very far from where I live.
Alot of folks confuse New York the state with New York the city and I think
most people in both NY's would agree that they are far from the same.
The accent in this area (and your ferrets' birth place) is distinguishable
by linguists, but for the casual listener we pretty much sound like anybody
on tv (like actors, newscasters, etc.) that don't have any particular
accent.  You know, it's your non-descript Americanese with no obvious
drawls, twangs, or anything else that makes an accent really memorable.
One thing I do know about ferret speach is that they have quite a well
developed vocabulary when it comes to swearing. Let their toe get pinched,
a jagged toenail get caught, or anything else that really PO's them and
-*whew!*- the profanities start and continue at about 400 words/second.
It sounds like a mad, furious chatter to us, but I know they are
swearing! ;) All my kids can swear pretty good when they want to!
-kim, squirt (I would never swear), pippi (I swear. So What?!),
 atlas (mom! you're embarassing me!), and 'jinx (!#@&$^@#$)
Kimberly Burkard     |             _    Everything I needed to know in life,
Eastman Kodak Company|      _____C .._. I learned from my ferret:
Rochester, New York  | ____/     \___/  Frolic and dance for joy often, have
[log in to unmask]    |<____/\_---\_\    no fear or worries, and enjoy life.
[Posted in FML issue 1614]