Hello all!
Recently there have been several posts about couches and the possible ferret
hazards.  Yesterday evening while Abbey, our little one, was exploring I
made a starling discovery.  We have the perfect ferret-proof couch!
Actually my father made it but it is constructed identical to "This End Up"
or "The Pine Factory" furniture.  No springs, no moving parts and virtually
indestructible!  The cushions fit tightly together and Abbey hasn't managed
to get under or behind them, but to do so she would have to move the
cushions.  Then at least you would know where in the couch she is.  "This
End Up" is in Raleigh, NC and you can get their number from directory
assistance, the area code is 919.  I am not sure about the headquarters for
"The Pine Factory".  I have seen stores for both in several shopping malls.
I just thought I would share this information for anyone who may be couch
Much love to everyone,
Laura and Abbey
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Laura Herrick, Coordinator            ("`-/")_.-'"``-._
Women in Science and Engineering      (. . `) -._    )-;-,_()
124 Freeman Hall, Box 340914          (v_,)'  _  )`-.\  ``-'
Clemson University                    _;- _,-_/ / ((,'
Clemson, SC 29634-0914              ((,.-'  ((,/
Phone: (864) 656-7472        E mail: [log in to unmask]
Fax: (864) 656-1397
[Posted in FML issue 1614]