Wow!  We done went and gotted our very own section of the FML.  Now
sour-pussed peoples won't have to worry about accidently readin' somethin'
that would make them smile.  We sure wouldn't wanna be held reprehensible
for makin' nobody smile, let alone give 'em a big ol' belly laugh.  Nosiree!
We do wanna set one thing straight.  Lot's of folks have desribed the way we
talks as 'baby talk'.  This might be a little true in Rosie & Maxie's case.
They ain't but six months old.  Usin's, however are Georgia Cracker Redneck
ferts.  Everybody, inludin' dawgs, cats, human beans and possum critters
talk this way down here.  It ain't because we is eneducated neither.  Heck,
we can talk real fancy too - if'n we take a mind to.  It's just too danged
much work though.  We'd much rather take our time in speakin' an' let the
words flow out like molassses onto a nice hot piece of cornpone.  Some folks
just get in too much of a hurry.  That ain't for us.
Yep, we's rednecks all right.  Even as we type, Paw Paw is out in the front
yard puttin' up a new mailbox he made out of the crank shaft of a '53 chevy
and some dead computers.
We wanna say a big ol' Thank You for all the nice things folks has been
sayin' about us lately.  We was gonna write sooner but Paw made us sit on
our paws and stay hushed up till some of the smoke cleared away.  He
fingered that other folks would want to have their say 'bout the wedding
letters and other stuff, so he didn't want us to crowd nobody out.  Anyway,
thank you so very much for all the nice letters and notes.  Don't worry
none, the grumpy stuff ain't scared us away from the FML.  Nosiree!
We really like the idea of havin' the Reverend Bill Gruber perform the
marriage on the FML.  We wouldn't wanna make him uncomfortable though.
Don't want folks to thinks he's takin' up sides unless he wants them too.
Then again, if the weddin' took place at the back of the FML, wouldn't no
grumpy folks know nuthin' about it.  They sure ain't gonna read that part of
the digest no more!  Maybe there are some other reverend-type folks out
there who would like to did the ceremony if Bill ain't comfortable with
doin' it?  (No, don't suggest Paw Paw.  He used to be a preacher but he's
tryin' real hard to get over it.  Besides, he gonna be real busy bein' the
father of the grooms.)
Anywho, we's lettin' Rosie & Maxie take care of all the arrangements -
that's the brides' family's job dontcha know.  We hope the weddin's real
soon.  We is gettin' nervouser than a long tailed ferret in a room full of
recliner chairs!
Many much loves. XXOOOXXOOXXXOO to Rosie & Maxie
Tater and Odie (Brothers in Mayhem and Love)
[Posted in FML issue 1612]