About nine months ago, my four year old gib started to lose control of his
hind end.  He has slowly worsened over time.  He still gets around quite
well (drags his hind quarters), his appetite is very good, he's in no pain,
and he tries to play.  All tests and x-rays were normal.  He's gotten to the
point that he doesn't have very good bladder or bowel control and his penis
is engorged.  He "flinches" when your touch him around the base of his
penis.  Not like it was painful, but more like a reflex reaction.  His urine
shows some red and white cells.  My vet put him on a steroid and an
antibiotic.  She wanted me to ask if anyone has had experience with
degenerative myelopathy or spinal lymphoma in ferrets as she wonders if this
could be my ferrets problem.
Thanks for any help or suggestions.
[Posted in FML issue 1612]