To FLO Headquarters(All NH please do not look),
I urgently request instructions on the new recruit Chewbakka (my new
littlebrother)....He is only 5 weeks old and just learning to eat solid food
so he is at a very impwessible age!  I think I can convert him to FLO cause
if I withold his mush (yech, baby ferret food is disgusting) from him in the
morning.  I've already taught him seek and destroy mission on Mommy's smoke
sticks(called cig...somthin).  Took him on major harress the dog mission
after.  Also taught him how to empty big ferret feeder thingie dat's sposed
to hold food for a week.  I am now teaching him to swim and fish in dog's
water bowl(we have not caught any fishes yet) but that don't matter cuz
Mommy shakes that big cracker box thingy and throws them to us all yelling
FISH FRENZY!  Then we all dance and eat goldie fish crackers(yum).....Oh
yeah,...awaiting further structions and I hafta leave Mommy's pooter thingy
cuz I hear her coming!
FLO operative Meme(aka NONOBADFERRET)
PS all not neutral hoomans please press down key thingy
Dook! Dook!
.Mikki & Dee
.& The Wizzlebee Family     Team AMIGA
[Posted in FML issue 1612]