>... And, being somewhat of a nerdish osteologist, my fibula attempts to be
>humorus doesn't strike everyone's funny bone, cox maybe I don't articulate
>it well.  No one's forcing you to joint in; just dismember-- all ribbing is
>in fun.  It won't costa you anything to ignore it.
NNoooo!!!!!  Stoooppp!  Gawds!  This is worse than Gr. 13 Physics jokes!  I
think I'll go join Monster under the microwave stand 'til it's over!
On a more serious note, I'll put in my vote on the current debate:
I like the FML as it is.  [Applause and cheers to BIG] I've enjoyed the FLO
and the wedding.  Monster is, I believe, a secret member of the former, and
totally uninterested in the later.  Something to do with only 1/2 the number
of raisons in the house being set aside for her, I think.  As to the stuff I
don't want to read, I simply keep a list of people who's posts on the
internet (anywhere) I don't read.  This is based on their demeanour rather
than their content - I'd sooner take constructive advice from the village
idiot than listen to a malicious gossip from an intellegent enemy.  I've
only added one from this list, and that was a few months ago.
However, if anyone needs an illustration of unintellegent posts, feel free
to check out the unmoderated alt.pets.ferrets for some examples of 13 year
old twerps and their fantasies and attention-seeking comments, an ongoing
discussion on "to declaw or not to declaw" <!?>, and PETA cross-posting
across half the net.  I have occasionally read something here that has
raised my hackles.  I got so angry once I responded directly back to the
poster (Yes, I'm still waiting for some kind of intellegent reply to your
flame!), and have even considered unsubsribing.  Then I see the latest
sock-stealing episode, wedding communique, or FLO 'secret' message and start
snickering again.  If the funnies are pulled from this group, I will
unsubsribe.  The rest of the list is too damn depressing (death, illness,
and arguments) to hold any attraction for me otherwise.
Megan Smith (aka:  Megan and Monster)
P.S. - can I flame Bob Church for 2 posts this issue?  <G> They were so
similar, yet not quite the same - one of your alternate personalities
creeping out aye, dude?  <snicker> Must be all those fuzzies messing with
your mind!<G>
[Posted in FML issue 1611]