>From:    pwebster <[log in to unmask]>
>I must agree with Bob's comments on the cutesy mumsey wumsey type post that
>appears on the list.  Ferrets are INTELLIGENT why should they be portrayed
>as mentally challenged three year old humans with a speach impediment...
Well, if yer gonna go for realism, do you really think mentally challenged
three year old humans with speech impediments are LESS intelligent than
ferrets?  Sure Ferrets are intelligent, but I have never seen one more
intelligent than ANY three year old human, mentally challenged or not.
>From:    Linda Doran <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Tunneling under bedsheets
>To Shari Diane regarding the ferret surfing under the bedsheet at 5 a.m.:
>That's a ferret's way of giving you a hug!
My poor boxspring has several (ferret made) holes in it.  I decided to stop
access after Sammy started scratching underneath my head at 5am one morning.
It happened to be my day off, so I was angry, and in case of an emergency it
would be very difficult and a tediously long process of getting him or
Esther out of there.  So far my boxspring has one bedsheet(with elastic) one
plastic U-Haul mattress cover, and a 7ft by 9ft travel tarp.  I will check
today if the tarp works, but once they get it in their heads that they can
get thru something... Egads.  No stopping them.  (you never notice how much
stuffing is in a box spring until it is lying all over your floor in big
>From:    Linda Doran <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Plastic bags
>Based on Dayna's story about the brain-damaged ferrets who got stuck in a
>plastic bag, I am getting rid of and/or removing all plastic bags from my
>ferrets' reach.
Won't the thicker bags found at beauty stores and such be less prone to
getting vacuumized in ferrets' nostrils?  The thicker plastic holds together
better than the grocery store kind, retain their shape, and are more
>From:    Shelly Stanley <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Bed surfin'
>... I pushed a small chest I have up against the end of the bed to make it
>easier for the ferrets to get in bed with us.  I found that if they don't
>have to *fight* and climb to get up there, they are much calmer and more
>pleasant when they do come up, since it is completely on their terms.
Jeeze are you lucky.  It doesn't matter how they get into bed with me, but
when they find my feet underneath the covers, all heck breaks loose.  I'm
finding the time-out rule being used in the early morning in my bedroom
quite a bit.
>From:    Tracy & Aaron McAlpine <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Cages/Plastic Bags>
>When I was shopping for an additional cage, I looked & looked.  I ended up
>getting one that is 2 levels & the second level is a full level except, of
>course, where the ramp comes up to that level.  I shyed (sp?) away from
>cages with ledges because I was afraid 1 of the ferrets would fall.
Personally, I found building my cage (3 levels) was a very satisfying (and
painful since I am clumsy) experience.  You can make it exactly to fit your
fuzzbutt's specifications.  If it wasn't for the small bedroom I have, my
cage might have been 10' x 10'!  Overall I found it less expensive, and it
lets you have a great feeling of satisfaction seeing them run through the
tunnels when first getting accustomed, and destroying all of the neat
features you thought would be so cool.
*** O F F I C I A L   C O N J U N C T I V I T I S   D O C U M E N T ***
*** Mark A. Pendl **Conjunctivitis  Incorporated** [log in to unmask] ***
***                    http://www.uwm.edu/~spam                     ***
[Posted in FML issue 1610]