For those who may not have seen it, Deborah Jeans has an excellent article
in the May edition of Pet Age concerning the best way to display ferrets in
a pet store.  She has lots of good comments re cage size and sleeping
quarters, adequate ventilation, and even a little bit about rabies and
nipping: ie be very careful.
She makes the point that "Ferrets are often abandoned within three months
because their owners aren't prepared for the challenges of nipping,
inconsistent litter pan usage, musky odors, and burrowing into furniture.
Therefore you need to give ferret owners more personal consultation and
education...." and that a "Quick sale" is not enough to satisfy needs and
build a long term relationship.
Excellent reading for anyone.  Should be required for all pet stores.....
IMO anyway.
                                - Bill Williamson
[Posted in FML issue 1610]