Hi, dis is Rosie and Maxie again, and we gots some new mail dat we wanted to
share wit all you nice FML folks!
Rosie and Maxie:
Our names are Mina and Josette - we're two albino ferts from Minnesota.
We've been reading all about your upcoming wedding, and asked our mom to
tell us all about weddings, and something she told us got us worried so we
thought we'd write and tell you.  In people weddings, there's something
called a "ringbearer" - it's usually done by a human kit.  They're given the
pretty, shiny rings and carry them down the long hallway, then they have to
give them back!  How are you gonna find a fert that, after given such a
great prize, won't go and hide it in their stash of stuff?  No
self-respecting fert would ever do that!  We think you'll have to find a
human kit to be ringbearer.  Our mom has a niece that is still a kit, and
she likes ferts a lot!  She lives in Nebraska, but she visited us as
Christmas, and she was more interested in us than all the other stuff!
She's still learning to talk, so she called us "fur-EETS," but that was OK.
Anyway, we hope we can come to your wedding - our mom worries over us too
much, and we don't know if she'll let us go - especially since Mina has a
Good luck!
Mina and Josie
[Posted in FML issue 1609]