There is a rainbow at the end of this storm cloud.  A group of us met Sunday
evening, and formed a new Organization.  F.E.E.L.  which stands for Ferrets
Enthusiasts for Education and Legislation.  We have been very busy
organizing ourselves and determining exactly what we need to do.  We elected
Officers as follows:
Anne Ryan (Mrs. Duck) - President
Yvonne DeCarlo - Vice President
Matt Rossett - Treasurer
Ela Heyn - Secretary
We developed a mission statement, and plan of action as follows:
*To promote education and public awareness of the domestic ferret.
*To change the current statutes and public health codes regarding the legal
 status of ferrets, reclassifying them as domestic animals.
*To implement Risk Assessment policies rather than automatic rabies testing
 in the event of a bite incident.
*To aid simular groups in other states and municipalities in their efforts
 towards legalization and reform.
F.E.E.L. is a grassroots organization dedicated to the promotion of
education and public awareness of the Domestic Ferret. also involved in legislative matters involving legalization
efforts and reform of current law.
F.E.E.L.was created following several news reports about ferrets being
destroyed in various parts of the country over a several week period.
Following rabies testing, all of the destroyed ferrets proved to be negative
for the rabies virus following testing.  The founding members of F.E.E.L.
were outraged by the conduct of various officials for allowing these murders
and decided that it was time for a change.  F.E.E.L.  patterns its mission
statement to closely parrellel the ideals of the A.F.A.  The F.E.E.L.
mission is supported by L.O.S., L.I.F.E. and A.F.A.
F.E.E.L. is entirely funded by donations.  There are no membership fees,
and we encourage everyone to join regardless of their financial abilities.
We simply ask that you have a desire to reform the current statutes to more
fairly treat the domestic ferret as what it really is-an intelligent and
gentle domestic companion animal incapable of existing without the care of
F.E.E.L. will contribute as possible towards financial support of other
groups in legalization efforts, and contribute towards legal expenses
incurred in trying to save an animal from euthanasia after a biting incident
in which there is no risk of transmission of infectious disease.
F.E.E.L. also encourages private support of the ferret shelter system in the
United States and Canada. It is this private shelter system which was so
instrumental in the change in HSUS policy towards the domestic ferret.
Some of the current activities of F.E.E.L. are listed below.  If you would
like to volunteer to help with any of the following, please contact F.E.E.L.
Contact information may be found below .
*Petition and membership drives
*Contacting Elected Officials on State, County and Local levels.
*Soliciting Media for exposure on local, statewide and national levels.
*Requesting other animal groups and shelters to join our efforts.
*"Save a Life" letter/ e-mail / fax campaigns whenever we hear of an animal
 to be destroyed without just cause.
For More information or to become a member, please e-mail to
[log in to unmask]
F.E.E.L. is not meant to replace any existing organizations, but rather to
work with other groups.  We welcome contact from other ferret groups who
either need help in legalization efforts, or wish to support them.  F.E.E.L.
is currently comprised of members of several different groups on local and
national levels.
Ferret Frenzy '96  FYI
It appears that all the attention to the NJ Ferret Mess has ruffled a few
feathers at Fish & Game.  They gave a very short notice to one of the NJ
Shelters before making an inspection.  Luckily, all of the paperwork wa up
to snuff, and the inspector was quite pleased with the condition of the
shelter.  One of the questions which has arisen was "Will F&G come to the
show?" Obviously, they probably wan't call Ron Borello and announce it, but
we suspect that they may make an appearance.  A call to F&G by Matt Rosett
with an inquiry about whether you needed to bring your license with you
anytime you took your ferret out in public brought the response of "it's
probably a good idea to carry it with you whenever you take your ferret
On the NJ Ferret Mess- It seems tha Grant Kozaks mother has had more than
one heated exchange (This is 3rd hand info and I have no way of verifying
it) with F&G.  She feels that ferrets are nasty vicious creatures who F&G
SHOULD OUTLAW THE OWNERSHHIP OF!!  Folks- remember, the Kozaks already have
a ferret in the household.  I am particularly fearful for this animals life,
if it being mistreated, etc.  If anyone has any ideas on what we should do
about this, let me know.
Also, it might be an idea to send a thankyou note to Judge Stanton of the NJ
Superior Court for standing up for the three little ferrets in the case.  As
we are going to attempt to get the laws changed, we need all of the allies
we can get.  His address was published on this list a few days ago- but if
you need it, someone let me know and I'll post it again.
Sorry for the length of this post.  Again many many thanks to BIG for his
wonderful effort in giving us the FML as a forum!  Many fuzzie kisses to
-Mrs.  Duck
[Posted in FML issue 1609]