After reading Dayna's letter about the plastic grocery bag tragedy, Peanut's
favorite bag went immediately into the trash!!  Thanks, Dayna, for sharing
the story.
CHOKING: a word of caution.  We have found that Peanut DOES enjoy chewing
holes in our socks.  Just a couple of daysa ago, he made off with one of my
pink socks and shortly after, began making choking sounds.  I picked him up
and he continued to cough like he had something stuck in his throat.  As I
patted him on the back he coughed up a large piece of that pink sock..
right onto Don's shoulder!  We now monitor his thefts of socks and watch to
make sure he isn't eating something he shouldn't.
As for Rudy's fuss about the cutesy "fewwit" stories, we feel that we must
respond to this one.  We read the ferret digest each morning (we arise at 4
a.m.) instead of the newspaper.  The impending "wedding" stories are great
in our opinion.  They start our days off with a laugh and prime us for a
good day at work.  When things get stressful, we can just conjure up images
of these characters and immediately have a chuckle.  Those stories are a
delightful diversion to the daya to day trials and tribulations many of us
face.  Also, I found it quite interesting that while he commented about the
length and multiple postings from some members , he didn't hesitate to have
three postings himself in this issue...all of which were longer than most.
I enjoyed reading the information he shared., just as I enjoy reading ALL
the postings.  Yes, sometimes people get off the track, but we have received
a great deal of valuable information and a lot of entertainment from this
forum!  Without the variety of opinions and experiences and yes, even the
baby talk, this might become a very dry, very boring forum!  Our differences
are what make life interesting!
Kodak moment: Last night, Peanut managed to climb onto my computer table (he
knows that's a no-no).  I had a bag of hershey's kisses sitting there and
before I knew what had happened, there he was, heading for the inaccessible
area behind my computer with his prize in his mouth.  He was very proud of
himself and carried that kiss like it was the prize to end all prizes!  It
would have made a great picture!  I caught him and took the candy from the
baby and BOY WAS HE UPSET!  I set him on the floor and he made his
displeasure known by giving me a good chomp on the ankle.  He did the same
thing to Don this morning, stealing a chocolate morsel from his desk!  GUess
I'll have to get some metal cans for our human treats!  <g>
Good wishes to all who are fighting medical battles.  We keep you in our
Hugs and Dooks
Judi and Don (Peanut's pet hoomans)
[Posted in FML issue 1609]