Hey there everyone.
I just paid off my student loan (yeaaaaaaah!) and suddenly have a disposable
income.  On hearing this, Chloe promptly drew up a 'wish list' of things
that she wants, including weekly trips to a spa for foot pad exfoliation and
nail painting--I guess I should be thankful, she asked for a tattoo for
Anywho, after reviewing and eliminating much of her list (I think a diamond
studded collar is just a bit excessive), I found that the one thing she
wants which seems reasonable (Chloe: the ferrari?  please, I just passed my
first test in the stupid graduated drivers license system in Ontario)--a new
I've seen some nice three story wire jobs in some of the pet stores here and
thought she might like one of those.  But, of course, I wanted to know what
other people think of them.  How wide should the platforms be?  Is there
anything special you should consider when purchasing one of these?  Do
people recommend them in general and have they encountered any problems?
Chloe wants to know what the record is out there for stolen socks.  Her's is
48 under the bed at one time (okay, so I have a lot of socks and I dont' do
my laundry all that often).  What I do now is save all my holey socks, as do
all my friends and family, and put them in the 'sock bin'.  That way she can
take them and hide them.  Of course, every now and them, we bug John by
stealing his clean ones from the dining room table.  I hold her like an
airplane, she swoops in and grabs a nice fresh one in her mouth and then
does a perfect three-point landing onto the floor and runs behind the couch.
Boy, were we in trouble last time we got caught.  And can she ever look
Judith and Chloe
Chloe:  Well, if I can't have the ferrari, can I at least have yearly
vacations to tahiti?
[Posted in FML issue 1608]