Hi again, everyone!
I once lived in an apartment building in Cincinnati that was infested with
mice (boy, I hope they were just mice). All of my neighbors complained
bitterly about the messy little rodents getting into their stuff and
ruining it. Needless to say, my house with its flock of 3 ferrets was
absolutely rodent free.
At the time, I wasn't very experienced with ferret-proofing, and it had not
occurred to me to check under the kitchen sink (they didn't have access to
it, right?). Anyway, my smallest little one (a BEW named Lulu) escaped
throught the hole that the pipes run through, and wandered into my
neighbor's kitchen. He was not pleased, and accussed my ferret of eating a
bag of apparently expensive birdseed that he kept under his sink. We
immediately fixed the access problem, but this fellow kept claiming that he
could hear Lulu digging in the wall (kind of like the Edgar Allen Poe story
"The Tell-Tale Heart"). Anyway, one night he stayed up until the wee hours
of the morning waiting for her to appear. He heard a scratching noise,
whipped open his kitchen cabinet, and voila! An entire extended family of
very surprised looking mice looked back (Lulu had, of course, been chasing
THEM through the pipes). He had been such a jerk to us at that point
(complaining to the property manager, etc.) that we refused to help him out
with his rodent problem. In retrospect, that would have been a good time to
make a ferret convert... oh well, live and learn...
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[Posted in FML issue 1608]