>Besides, as anyone knows, the definition of 'viscous' is, " 1.  The act of
>biting toes through socks.  2.  Any act of play resulting in a ferret bite
>to the webbing between the thumb and first finger of a human.  3.  A ferret
>bite to the nose or lip."
Actually, Bob, I looked it up in Webster's, and found the following:
vis-cous \'vis-kes\ adj [ME viscouse, fr.  LL viscosus - full of birdlime;
viscous, fr.  L viscum - mistletoe, birdlime; akin to OHG wihsila - cherry,
Gk ixos - mistletoe] (14c) 1: VISCID 2: having or characterized by viscosity
<~flow> - viscously adv - viscousness n
--i.e. how sticky is it.
'Course, the "much documented fact" that domestic ferrets are "viscious" is
"viscosus" anyway.....
(Sorry, Bob & BIG, I know it was just a typo, & I may regret posting this
when I wake up 'n my eyes aren't crossing anymore, but it was 1:45 am when I
read that & I just couldn't resist...)
Carla (who really shouldn't stay up just to read the FML when it first comes
[Posted in FML issue 1607]