Bet you didn't guess its' Rosie again.  Maxie's cuddled with Da on the futon
Anyways, a while ago, Ma and Da and Maxie and me were on the futon, and Ma
and Da was watchin' dis movie called Fewwis.  Ma says she likes it 'cause of
when she was a kid.  I guess dat was millwon's of years ago.  Anyway's (got
side twacked) we was watchin' and dis muzic come on.  It was "dook, dook,
dook, oh ya" boy Maxie and me just looked at each other and out wittle eyes
got weally, weally big.  Den, we started doing the fewwet dance.  We was so
xcited, you know, (very sincere eyes).....a fewwet song!!!!!!  Ma says we
had the Beavis and Butthead faces on.  I dunno what she means.
Anyways, wight now as I type on the 'pooter, Maxie is doing that stwange
ting she did waitly, pacificy I am wefuring to she wuns up and down the
stairs like..  wit one peese of food in her mouth over and over 'gan.  Ma
says dat she read in a book dat dis is nowmal behavor and she don't need no
fewwa-pist afta all.  Das good 'cause I dont' tink dat Fewwet-Ware makes
those stwait-kinda-jackets.
Anyways, dose 'coons critters aint showed up waitly, and I sink it's 'cause
Da says he needs a 'coon hat weally weally bad.  I sink the 'coons musta'
heard him or somting.
Anyways, Ma says dat we been gittin' wots of mail waitly on dat 'pooter.
She been reading it to us and saving it in a book.  We pwomise dat evewy
mail we done get we will weply to!  Dats a pwomise!!!(Very sincere eyes.) Oh
Oh Oh, guess what, Ma was on dat big open wide spider web ting on the
'pooter and I guess nows we is famous 'cause Ma said dat the peoples on dere
noded us.
Anyways, I gotta go now.  Ma might get mad 'cause I been use'in lots of
'pooter time waitly.  Pease wite to us evewyone.......ok?
Rosie and Maxie
P.S.  Yes, we still wuv Tader and Odie.
[Posted in FML issue 1606]