My ferret, Ricky, is a two-year-old Marshall Farms ferret.  She's spayed.
Last year she went into heat and the vet opened her up and took out some
reproductive follicles and she came out of heat.  In April she went into
heat again.  The vet gave her a hormone shot, but it didn't bring her out of
heat.  So the vet operated and found what looked like another reproductive
follicle.  She removed it.  She said she looked for adrenal problems and
found none.  Almost two weeks later, Ricky is still in heat.  She's had a
second hormone shot, which apparently isn't going to help--nothing yet.
She's losing weight quickly and the vet says she'll do another exploratory
this week if I want, but things aren't looking good.  If anyone knows
anything that might help, please respond!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1605]