Hi all-
Wiley had diarrhea A few days ago.  Gave him some pepto and pedialyte but it
wasn't gone the next day and he wasn't eating so off to the vet we went with
a stool sample.  He has Coccidia(sp?) and all of my three are now on
antibiotics for the next 21 days.  Wiley is already feeling much better.  I
wanted to make everyone aware of this, I'd never heard of it before but a
friend who breeds dogs lost an entire litter of puppies to it once,
apparently it can kill young animals rather quickly.  Wiley probably picked
it up from our part-time dogs (which have shown no signs and are staying at
their other home for awhile) or the people who found him wandering outside,
who had a whole bunch of sheepdogs.  One more reason to be careful about who
your ferret comes in contact with.
[Posted in FML issue 1588]