Last year, we replaced our Jennifer Convertible Sofa Bed with what we call
"Fun-a-ture." It's a tubular steel couch and bunkbed (the bottom is a futon
couch that pulls down into a full-size bed and the top is a single mattress
bed).  It's totally ferret-safe.
The sofa bed could have been repuholstered, but it was a potential fuzzy
hazard, so it had to go.
We have a pair of Craftmatic Adjustable Beds, so the bedroom is more-or-less
off-limits to fuzzbutts.  If they get the chance to visit, they're ON the
bed, not on the floor.
We had talked about getting a pair of recliners, but thought better of it.
There are ergonomic office chairs available for under $200 and, with a
footstool, they can be abouat as comfortable as a recliner.  They're better
for our backs, at any rate, and MUCH safer for our fursnakes.
[Posted in FML issue 1565]