Well, the Hoh household recently celebrated two major events: I graduated
from law school, and Schnitzel, T.G. and I welcomed our newest family
member--a 16 week old MF sable boy named Detinue.  (Detinue is a legal
action in Virginia where two people claim to owe the same property--usually
when one has found it and one has lost it.  Ex: I leave my socks on the
floor, he finds them, and he thinks HE owns them...)
Anyway, he's a joy--uses the litter box (well, almost always), has not
bitten anyone since he took a chunk out of my chin the first day and we had
our little "scruff talk", cooperates and plays well with others, sleeps
curled up on my pillow at night, and is generally a healthy, happy,
well-loved boy.
The only problem is his BREATH.  That's right--the worst case of halitosis
I've ever encountered--much worse than kitty tuna-breath.  He loves to give
ferret kisses, and I don't want to discourage him, but his breath almost
makes you want to wretch!  Smells like something is rotting.  He went to the
vet for his 2nd Distempter and rabies last week and the vet couldn't find
anything wrong with his teeth or gums, though she said one of his tonsils
might be a little enlarged, but she thought he was really healthy and she
didn't have any suggestions.
SOOOO--has anyone experienced bad breath in their fuzzies?  Mine eat a
mixture of Iams kitten and Lamb/rice, with an occasional bag of Marshalls
thrown in for variety.  Neither Schnitzel (age 8) nor T.G.  (age 4) have
ever had bad breath problems.  I'd appreciate any input--he goes back for
his 3rd distemper on the 1st of June and I can get any labwork etc.  done
then if anyone has any suggestions...
Thanks in advance,
[Posted in FML issue 1570]