Hello all at the FML!  Hope everyone is doing well with their fuzzies.
Our family is continuing to bond, and enjoying trips out to walk on a
leash in the grass and to the pet store.  So far we have only taken two
out at a time, but have received fairly positive response.  Klyan, our
sweetest, teamed with Katie, our four-year-old, make great pro-ferret
ambassadors.  Most people are happy to pet a ferret once they see a child
holding him.  :-)
To Chris (anon. poster) re: Betty, biting ferret- I don't know if you're a
male or a female, but maybe Betty thinks you smell nice, like something to
eat, and that might be the reason she's biting you?  I gave my daughter a
bubble bath that smelled like apples; didn't even think about it, but my
ferts thought she smelled yummy, and one (Pippin, of course) tried to take a
"taste" out of her arm.  Check your lotions, perfume/colognes, soaps, even
laundry detergents, etc.  Just a thought.
To Laura Ellis re: Cuddly ferrets- Sometimes after my guys have been asleep
for a while and I want to let them out to play, I take them out of the cage
slowly, one by one, and snuggle each until they gradually wake up.  I get a
few minutes of cuddling and loving with them, and they get a gentle wake-up
call.  When one is fully awake and curious to get down to explore, I put him
down and get out the next weenie.
To David Sawyer re: Jason Salazar- I agree, occasionally everyone may need a
bit of help now and then; I don't think he should be "flamed" for asking for
assistance with his fuzzy.  As long as it isn't seeming to be a re-occurring
thing, people should feel free to let others know of their needs, just like
the shelters have needs as well.  I totally disagree to ask someone to give
up their pet (to a shelter) to have their pet helped.  Just because a person
may be having a *temporary* financial situation should not mean they should
give up their family member *permanently*.
To Joel Cohen re: ferret games- see previous issues, or order them from BIG-
they have great game ideas.  I'm not sure on the issue #, but Bob Church (I
think) had some very great ferret games, and some other people added more in
following issues.
Also, congrats to us on the HSUS rulings; does this apply to the Atlanta
Humane Society?  Maybe it can change the policy there and give us some peace
about any future "White Ferrets" that may be found around Atlanta.
Anyway, bye for now,
Sabrina (et al)
[Posted in FML issue 1570]