Hi everybody...
I am three days behind on my e-mail, my house is a disaster area, by snail
mail is upopened, but the little fellow is physically getting better all te
time nd his depression is nearly over!!!  I was none to sure I could win
that fight....but he is eating on his own, mostly, again and is responding
to playing and petting again!
I thank you all who have sent messages and love and support for him... I is
working and he is getting better very qyickly now.  To those who sent 'put
him out of his misery - he won't ever be happy' notes...you were wrong!
Update and mail catch up later this week...thanks again..
hugs from me and the fuzzie-on-the-mend...dayna
 dayna frazier   102046,3162
 "Worry is the interest we pay on the trouble we borrow!"
[Posted in FML issue 1569]