Hi all you fellow ferret enthusiasts!  Hope you all had great weekends.  I
was wondering if any of you knew of a Ferret club in Toronto or immediate
surrounding area.  And if there isn't one, if anybody would be interested in
starting one with me.
Also, I have heard so much about Ferretone on this list.  Could anyone tell
me exactly what it is, and where to buy it?  Thanks tons!
Happy dooking!
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P.S.  Dayna, I just wanted to add my thoughts and prayers,and tell you what
an amazing person I think you are.  It must have taken so much courage and
strength to save that little guy's life, and then "inform" him of his
disability.  If there were more people like you on this planet, the world
would be a better place.
[Posted in FML issue 1569]