Did anyone catch this?  It was aired last night at around 6 or 7 PDT.  My
sister called and alerted me and I caught the last few minutes.  I'm not
even sure what the program was (maybe MTV news), but they were quickly
interviewing a couple of duudes wearing ski masks and talking about how
"bogus" is was that their pets were illegal here.  They had some really cute
footage of ferrets getting into things and doing ferret dances.  I didn't
catch much of the dialog because I was screaming for my husband to come take
a look.
I wish it'd been longer!  Did anyone get it on tape?  Was it pretty
informative?  In my limited viewing I was disappointed that they didn't
cover a little about the current R#37 and other ferret legalization efforts.
Did they mention this?
Linda M.
[Posted in FML issue 1556]