Hello all!
I am writing to say that the test results from whatever the vet took from
Paelon's spleen wasn't cancer.  The Pathologist believes that it is caused
by some other means.  I would like to thank all the people who responded
with answers to my questions from the 4-24-96 FML.  <Just kidding, no-one
I will take Paelon, Diana and Anna in for their yearly shots this month.
Dr. Clark will do another bloodcount test on Paelon at that time.  If the
Blood Count is still out of whack, and his spleen is still enlarged, we will
probably have it removed.  He is still occasionally vomiting and has been
less active since the surgery (4/24).  The only thing that still bothers me
is his genital area is slightly bruised.  The scar from the surgery stops
just before the bruised area.  Dr. Clark didn't say this is abnormal... Is
it??  Although I really don't expect an answer from the FML, it sure is fun
to post.  It is still the best place to read about Ferrets!
   Phillip & Michelle
   Paelon ; hissing because he can't jump in the tub, yet...
   Diana, waiting for Paelon to play again and
   Anastasia the baby, discovering the wonders of eating Banana
[Posted in FML issue 1556]