I have been busy with finals this past week, so I am just getting caught
up . . .
But when I read Tom Barney's story, I am about to cry.
Alexander has been very, well, not lethargic, just laying in his hammock all
day.  When I pass by, he perks up, I know he wants out.  But I don't have
time.  Its always something.  Laundry.  School.  Work.  Medical problem
(personal).  Something.
After reading Tom's story, I have decided to go home and do nothing (well, I
have to eat) but play with Alexander.  I am going to give him as much play
time (just him and me) as I possibly can.  Also, I am going to give him more
play time with Roxana.
They are getting along better, by the way.  She poops when they first start
to go at it, but after that she seems fine.  It is hard to tell whether they
are actually getting along or not.  I think they are still going through the
dominance thing.  He will jump her, and then walk away like he has done his
job.  Then she jumps him.
He seems depressed a little when they are both out together.  I kinda think
he wants to be friends and "cuddle" with her, but she won't let him.
Whenever he just sniffs her, or tries to get close without attacking, she
jumps him.
I don't know.  Guess I will just keep working on it.
Hee, hee!  You should have seen it the other night.  They started fighting,
and the dog (a big, black, furry, half lab, half chow) decided to break it
up!!!  She got right up and went over to where they were.  They saw this big
black thing with a purple tongue standing over them, and stopped in
mid-fight to see what she wanted!!!!  IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOO
See ya.
[Posted in FML issue 1563]