All 6 of my ferrets (ranging from 8 months to 3 years) have yellow fur.
Especially my black eyed white and my albino.  When they were younger they
were white as snow.  My sables undercoats are also yellow.  My friend
brought over her 5 month old male.  He had a pure white undercoat and deep
black guard hairs, no mask-just black circles-like eyeliner around his eyes
on a pure white face.  Why was her ferret so white?  Is it something I feed
my babies, or some type of vitamin deficiancy?  Can I wash them with
something to make their coats not as yellow?  I feed them Iams kitten food
and wash them once every 2 weeks with Ferret Glow.  Are my ferrets just
different types of ferrets then hers?
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[Posted in FML issue 1556]