Hi Guys,
I wanted to let you all know Festus is improving and eating his Totally
Ferret on his own.  He has lost alot of weight so he has a long way to go,
but I am noticing some weight gain.  Keep your fingers crossed for him.
Rikki is fat and sassy, at least for Rikki.  I think the Lysodren is doing
her alot of good.  I have not used it before and was cautious about it, but
I am a believer now.  Topanga sure scared her yesterday.  Topanga wanted
Rikki's pacifier and she got it before Rikki, then Rikki came along and
Topanga hissed and barked at her and Rikki took off running.  I guess she
had never been barked at before..<scared me pretty good the first time I
heard it too>.
Emily is spoiled rotten and thinks I need to pick her up and hold her
everytime I walk by.  If I am holding her and make the slightest move like I
intend to put her down she grabs on to my shirt and holds on.  She sits in
my left hand while I try to accomplish tasks with my right and she thinks
this is how it is SUPPOSED to be.  Gee, I can't understand how she ever got
so spoiled here, can you?
Topanga is doing very well and I have started her series of Distemper shots
and hopefully, soon she will be available for adoption.  She is so tiny, yet
so fat, even her feet and legs are fat.
Boomer doesn't even look like little Boomer any more.  He has really put on
weight and is looking very good.  I am giving him his series of Distemper
shots now too.  Funny thing...he never got the greenies.  He gets lots of
Nutri-Cal and once the Distemper shots are over I will consult with the vet
about putting him back on the Pediapred.
Toby is wonderful, I am allowing time for him to come down with the greenies,
though no sign of that yet.  Once enough time has passed, I will do a series
of Distemper shots with him, too.  He is so sweet, and so good about
everything.  I can't imagine why anyone would "toss him out" like they did.
Cocoa Puff is doing pretty well, she still has a little hair missing on her
tail and I would like to see her a little heavier, but it is spring so I
guess it is a seasonal weight loss.  She is definitely eating enough.  Of
course, you may remember she and Duchess just saw the vet because I was
worried about the hairloss, etc..  (Remember, the vet said I just worry too
much that they checked out great...hmmph.  I can't help it, that is my job.)
As for little miss Duchess, she is in the doghouse <so to speak>.  Again I
was worried about the hairloss, and watching closely for other signs of
trouble.  She continued to lose hair on her tail, though there seemed to be
nothing else wrong.  I couldn't decide if I should call the vet again or
not.  Well, yesterday Donna just happened to walk into their play area at
the right moment to see little miss Duchess playing in a wooden box I have
for the ferrets by herself.  She was rolling and playing with toys etc.,
then she rolled on her back and began playing with her feet.  Then she
grabbed her tail with her front feet and pulled it between her legs and
started playing with her tail.  She chewed on her tail, and then she started
**pulling the hair out of her tail...herself**.  She was **playing** !  !
Geesh, as if I don't have enough to worry about, SHE is pulling the hair out
of her tail and probably laughing at me because I am worrying.  Oooohh, that
little squirt.  She has a sense of humor I guess, she has shown me that
before.  Now, I wonder if she is pulling the hair out of Cocoa's tail too.
Has anyone noticed this type of behavior in their ferrets?  Does anyone have
a little one so intent on driving their "mom" nuts?  Do they all have this
sort of off-beat sense of humor?  I have a practical-joker here named Boo,
but he has been "good" lately.
The White Fang fund is turning out wonderful, I have not gotten my phone and
AOL bill yet, but I think we can cover it, and have a little left for some
of her future expenses, if there are any.  Monica is evaluating her for now
and I am considering some potential "new parents" for her.  Hopefully we
will be able to find a home for her fairly close, but we are prepared to
take care of any traveling she needs to do if that is necessary.  Kelleen, I
will keep you posted, nothing happening at present, though I am sure she is
keeping Monica busy.
Thank you all so much for helping with little White Fang, it is wonderful to
know that others care so much about these sweet little animals.  (Though I
still wonder if they are not some alien super-intelligent life form that has
arrived in furry little bodies and in reality they are intent on taking over
our world.... )
Kisses to all the fussies.
[Posted in FML issue 1561]