Hello, fellow ferret lovers.  My name is Shawna-Lynn Kaufman.  I am a new
subscriber to the internet, and thus of the FML.  Right now, I have no
ferrets.  My landlord would not let me buy a fuzzy, and has recently
consented after months of pressure.  I will be getting a ferret the moment I
come back from travelling in the summer.  I have a couple of problems I am
hoping you can help me with.  First, despite hours of thinking, I have yet
to come up with a name for my future fuzzy.  Although I am not sure which
sex I will be getting, probably a female.  Second, I am not sure where the
proper place of purchase should be.  I was considering a pet shop, but am
worried that they mistreat the animals by performing operations on them at
too young an age.  I might adopt from the Humane Society, but I would prefer
a breeder (where I can be sure the ferret gets proper attention from day one
of his\her life.) However, I have been yet to find a ferret breeder where I
live, in Southern Ontario.  If anyone knows of a reputable ferret farm
around here, please tell me.
Help in either of these areas would be greatly appreciated.  I can be
e-mailed at:
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Thank you in advance!
[Posted in FML issue 1560]