Joe (and other PNW'ers),
We got home about an hour and a half after the thing hit, and when we let
Bug and Raphael out, they seemed pretty keyed up, tearing around wardancing
with bottlebrush tails.  How much of that was caused by riding out the quake
and how much was from picking up on *our* being keyed up, I don't know.
Since we weren't home during this one or the 5.0 last January, let me ask:
Were people's weasels acting strangely (what's "strange" when speaking of
weasels???) before the quake?  Isn't there some theory that animals can tell
when one is going to happen?
To you people in California who have to deal with this quake stuff all
the time, I don't see how you do it.  Really I don't.
-- Raphael and Bug ("Cool, Mom!  Let's do that again!") and their
frazzled Mom ("Let's not and say we did.")
[Posted in FML issue 1559]