Sorry to have missed our Tuesday update.  One symptom of ECE NO ONE warned
me about was "I'm feeling better so I gotta make up for lost time and boy am
I grumpy!".  I have ferrets driving me absolutely positively NUTS (I heard
that).  They are fussing with each other, even best friends.  They play
hard, fuss hard, trash the house, then go climb in a cozy comfy bed with a
friend and sleep quite peacefully, while I have to clean up after them.
(sigh) Some forgot WHAT LITTERBOXES are for.  (sigh, sigh) They've also
decided that 2:30 a.m.  is the time to start the day and I'm suppose to get
up too.  At 7 when I leave for work I look around and survey the damage.  I
see only a few ferrets watching (with twinkles in their eyes) as I head
towards the door.  We all scramble to get out and I end up tossing ferrets
on the futon for a good 5 minutes before I grab them all up and plop them in
the room furthest from the door then I run (yes, run) back to the door to
make my escape.  Just as I open the door I see one little furry body squeeze
in between door and screen.  By the time the shock has worn off the rest are
back for what they believe to be such a fun game.  Here we go again!
Most have recovered, some are quite plump.  4 are boney but are eating and
drinking on their own and I'm supplementing them, Zephyr still won't eat on
his own, Abbey is doing well, Ferry is gaining weight.  Still occasional
diarrhea but more and more firm normal stools.  The group has decided they
enjoy our special recipe so much they will eat it indefinitely (I don't
think so, guys).
Thank you to everyone that sent donations, care packages, and gifts.  They
all helped to ease the financial burdens.  I am overwhelmed at your
generosity.  Thank you for caring and helping us!
Please, please send your experiences and treatments to me so I can compile
the info for others.  This will benefit ferrets and owners.  I would like to
thank the 4 (yes only 4) people that did email their info to me.
One last thing on the ECE issue.  Many vets do not know about this virus.
Please notify your veterinarians and ask them to contact their state vet med
assoc. to get info out to all vets in your state.  This information needs
to be distributed widely.  Too many ferrets are dying because owners and
vets are not aware of the potential deadliness of this virus.  ECE can be
successfully treated with prompt and aggressive treatment, but can be deadly
when left untreated.
Riding behaviour - I don't believe this is a sexual thing.  Tazz rides Dusty
till he just lays over, then Tazz drags Dusty (a ferret twice his size)
away.  Many others do the same thing.  Maybe it's a free ride and they
return the favor by dragging??
Computer cords - I unplug the computer.  If they chew on cords, they won't
get shocked.  Mine don't bother them either way.
Why ferrets do things. - Because they are ferrets. :-)
My condolences to all who have lost their beloved fuzzies.  If anyone needs
a shoulder, I'm here for you.  Hugs to all.  tle
[Posted in FML issue 1558]