Hi Ferret People,
Lisa Baker's posting of 5/30 re dryer hose and another post (I forget who,
I'm sorry) re krinkle bags, brought to mind my experiences with similar
items.  My sister works for a builder, and she brought me several good sized
lengths of PVC piping, as well as the elbows to connect the pieces.  I put
them together, forming a great tunnel system; my guys used it once and that
was that.  Then one day I was in our local deli and looked up on the counter-
a customer was picking up a six foot hero in a terrific cardboard box (about
6.5 ft. x 8 in.).  Needless to say, their next order from the carton company
included two extras for me.  They didn't charge me because they were cheap.
I have one lying on the floor (they tunnel through it, even push their toy
balls through) and the other box I slant against a papa-san chair in my
living room, and the boys climb on the chair and use it as a slide.  The
incline is not steep, but they love the ride.  Sometimes they fight over who
goes first, but normally they just line up and wait their turn.  The deli
now has a photo of my boys and the box hanging on their wall.  The krinkle
bag bugged them; I don't know why.  But they love more than life itself to
crawl into a supermarket brown grocery bag and wrestle and make krinkly
noises all their own.  By the way, they love the scratching noise they can
make in the hero box tunnel.  The bags are, of course, simple to get, and if
you make a friend at a deli, you've got it made on the hero carton.  Just a
thought.  I guess my guys have looked at my budget and are taking pity on
mommy.  What wonderful sons!  Judi Lunn
[Posted in FML issue 1586]