The subject of veterinarian quality was discussed recently here, and I have
a couple of cents worth to add, due to a recent experience.
We were considering the possibility of adopting an unspayed female, so I
called our regular vet clinic to check on whether they performed ferret
spays and neuters.  The woman who finally came on the line to talk to me
immediately took on one of those condescending, "We know best" tones which
told me that I was in danger of being B.S.'d: "Well, if it's a female, you'd
want to get that done right away, and of course you'd want to have the scent
glands removed too." I knew from reading here and in the Ferret FAQ that she
was ALREADY feeding me crap.  "Altogether, it's pretty expensive," she
continued, "around $150 to $200."
Now, I TOLD her that we had two ferrets at home who had already been
altered, so one might think that she would know that *I* know that the most
expensive pet shop in town charges $150 for a ferret with all necessary
procedures already *done*.  I just said, "Thank you very much," and called
another vet clinic which is better known for dealing with "exotics": $30 for
a neuter, $58.75 for a spay (which seem pretty much in line with vet
surgical procedures in this town).  I think that I'm going to be changing
vets for my ferrets very shortly.
Why do people do this?  I would have no problem at all with someone saying,
"I'm not really sure, but let me find out and get back to you." But when
someone obviously has no idea of what they are talking about and spews out a
bunch of garbage like that, I am totally repulsed.  And I'm disappointed, as
I expected better from that clinic.
Paul Sadek
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[Posted in FML issue 1585]