My ferret, Pixel, is from a pet store.  Our experience with the store was
quite positive.  When we decided that we wanted a ferret I went to the
library and looked up every pet store from Las Vegas-Flagstaff-Yuma.  I
found that the Vegas stores where grossly more expensive ($300 vs.  $110 to
$180).  The store I finally decided to patronize was called the Pet Stop in
Yuma Arizona.
The store sold ferrets for $130, which included leash, ferretone, 5lb of
food, discount coupons for more food, and a handful of ferret care info.
The deciding factor was that the store also offered a gurantee that we would
have a healthy ferret, money-back if the ferret developed any illness in the
1st 6 months.
The act of offering a gurantee is probably a good indication that the store
takes care of the animals.  The ferrets and the store was clean, and they
had a financial stake in keeping it that way.
I believe that attempts to ban or regular ferret sales is a danger to the
legal status of ferrets.  Regulation, txation, permits, and licenses are a
popular way to ban things without actually banning them.  Here in Los
Angeles the Pot Bellied Pig owners fought a long battle to legalize
ownership of the pigs.  When then finally convinces that Department of
Building & Safety that the pigs where not livestock, and therefore legal
pets the city immediately start talking about Pot Bellied Pig Licenses at
$400.00 per year per pig.
Regulation of ferret sales could become a defacto ban by driving the cost of
ferrets up to the point where only a few people can afford them.
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[Posted in FML issue 1585]