To Whom it may concern,
Only recently have I become interested in purchasing a ferret.  As I started
to call some breeders in my area, one of them informed me that ferrets are
illegal in Mesquite Texas.  I guess the reason why I'm posting this note is
to ask other ferret enthusiasts to help me out.  Please help me.  I've
already started to work on a plan to help make ferrets legal in my city, but
one person isn't enough.  Please send Notes and letters to help sway the
vote of making ferrets legal, Please tell your clubs or groups about my
situation, PLEASE!
If you want you can e-mail me your letters or send them to:
     Kyle Yanowski
     Email: [log in to unmask]
Thank You in advance,
       Kyle Yanowski
[Posted in FML issue 1582]