A couple of new subscribers have posted concerns that ferrets get a lot of
illnesses.  Don't worry.  There are always postings on the FML about sick
ferrets.  This is because there are vets who subscribe and often answer
questions.  If everyone who had a glowingly healthy ferret posted every day
about it, the list would be overwhelmed with mail.  My ferrets are in
terrific health!
Does anyone have a scaredy ferret?  Sebastian loves to visit his "Grandma's"
house, but Mortimer sulks and hides in the bathtub.  Yes, you heard me
right, he ignores the elaborate condo that grandpa built for them and all
the comfy soft places to sleep and hides out in the bathtub.  Very strange.
When he gets home, he's his normal exuberant self.  I thought all ferrets
loved to travel!  What's going on?
[Posted in FML issue 1555]