Thanks to everyone on this list for all the helpful information I've
received.  I thought I was an "informed" owner before I subscribed to this
list, but I learn something new here every time I read a digest.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that the medical FAQ's (especially the ECE one)
have come in very handy over the last few visits to my vet.  It was
informative to her and she was very impressed, to say the least, at the
ferret-related resources available through the Internet.  So I'm also
thanking you on her behalf, as her office now has an Internet account and,
subsequently, more information at her fingertips.
As far as the mink food vs.  Totally Ferret argument.  I have yet to try out
Totally Ferret (not readily available around here and I haven't gotten
around to calling any mail-order places), but I have tried L'Avian and
8-in-1 ferret foods.  I'm happy with both and I do not buy them just because
they say "ferret" in the name.
Armed with some information from Pam Grant, I did a lot of looking at cat
foods, ferret foods, and mink foods.  There becomes a fuzzing of lines once
you get to high quality cat food vs.  high quality ferret food...I
personally stick with the ferret food because of the shape and because my
ferrets seem to prefer it over the various cat foods I've tried.
Nearly every source I read almost immediately shot down the value of mink
food.  Minks are animals bred for their fur.  The food they are given is
designed to make them grow quickly and with attractive coats first and
foremost, with long-term nutritional value secondary.  I'm not planning on
slaughtering my ferrets anytime soon, so I'd rather go with a product that
has more proven long-term benefits.  I know nothing's proven 100%, but my
opinions are based on what I read.
If mink food works for you, fine.  But please don't imply that people are
ignorant because they feel that they're buying the best food available for
their family members.  The foods I buy are proven to me based on my ferrets'
health and what other ferret owners tell me.
Oh hey I just watched that "Ferrets Unmasked" video.  It's about 90 minutes
and pretty informative.  I recognized several people's names as being
listmembers or discussed by listmembers.  Very keen.
Finally, my favorite FML quote of the month:
"Remember, it's only about 3 hrs from mouth to butt"
     --Debbie Ricci
--Chuck Renaud <[log in to unmask]>
   / Chuck Renaud <[log in to unmask]> /
  /               <[log in to unmask]>               /
 /         /
[Posted in FML issue 1579]