I just had one of my (rare) brainstorms, and I wanted to ask everyone's
opinion.  Kelleen is in the process of making the "Wanted For" shirts, and
they sound wonderful.  The FML has recently had discussions about designing
an FML shirt (or some other item) which can be worn at ferret events so that
we FMLers can more easily identify each other.
What about if Kelleen put some FML text on her shirt (maybe the name "Ferret
Mailing List" and the email address), and we made that the "official" FML
T-shirt?  Perhaps the crimes could go on the front of the shirt and the FML
info.  could go on the back of the shirt .... In addition to having a cute
shirt and being able to identify other FMLers, we would be able to raise
money for Kelleen's shelter.  Does that sound good to everyone?
P.S.  I've already "spoken" with Kelleen about this idea, and I believe
that she would be happy to do it.
P.P.S.  Kelleen, I still would be more than happy to scan any clip art,
pictures, etc.  that you need scanned.  I have a REALLY cute line art
drawing of the weasel war dance from "A Tao Full of Detours" which I scanned
in.  If you can get permission to use it on the shirts, I think it would be
[Posted in FML issue 1578]