>Date:    Tue, 21 May 1996 09:09:18
>From:    Shannon & Michael <[log in to unmask]>
>I have heard so many different things about the legalization of ferrets in
>CA.  Here, I have heard no, however; in the workplace about ten people have
>told me that they have been officially legalized.
>From:    Diana Wallace <[log in to unmask]>
>I haven't been keeping up with my FML reading.  I have only caught bits and
>pieces of the final outcome of the assembly's 2 votes last week.  Would
>anyone care to enlighten me of our situation, as it stands, in California?
[Sorry Big, you are probably going to get a few of these responses, so feel
free to delete if there are better ones.]
Michael and Diana,
I know it's a little confusing, but I'll try to summarize it.  A House
Resolution (HR37) passed the Assembly Water, Parks, & Wildlife Committee on
Tuesday, May 14 with a 11-0-2 vote.  HR37 passed the full Assembly on
Thrusday, May 16 with a 60-7-13 vote.
The resolution does not have to go to the State Senate or the Governor for
approval.  It is just a House Resolution.  The only thing that happens to it
now is copies will be sent to every Fish & Game Commissioner.
This was a big victory, but ferrets are NOT yet legal in California.
So why the big deal?  The resolution calls upon the Fish and Game Commission
to remove the ferret from their list of wild animals and to end the ban on
sale, ownership or possession of ferrets in California.
Does the Commission have to listen?  No, but this is the strongest messege
we could send.  Just think, a bi-partisan governmental body saying ferrets
are domestic, not wild, and should be legal... can't send a bigger message
than that!  We hope that the Commission will hurry up and hold a hearing on
this issue and stop dragging their feet.  My sources say it MIGHT be in
August or September.
So what do we do for the time being?  Give Gov. Pete Wilson a call (916)
445-1455, or (916) 445-2841, or fax him at (916) 445-4633 (sorry, no email
address yet).  His office said he is against ferret legalization.  Why?  He
is probably listening to his two departments' inaccurate information, Fish &
Game and Health Services.  Too bad he doesn't listen to Pacific Research
Institute report or his good buddy, Gov. William Weld of Mass.
When the time rolls around, the Commission will open a window of opportunity
for public commentary on the ferret issue.  It usually only lasts for a
month, so start thinking of what you are going to write them.  If you
already did that back in February, just redate the copy of your letter and
get ready to send it again when the window opens.
A little ferret told me there might be other things cooking, but I have to
wait till an appropriate time to report it.
All of this stuff can be found in the "Ferret Lobby" on the Weasel Web at
<http://www.ccnet.com/~beisners/gsfs/weasel.html>.  There you can link
directly to the State's website and view the current Resolution, status and
history.  You can also see the freedom fight over the last 12 months or so.
In the "Links" section, you can find your way to the California Domestic
Ferret Association and Ferrets Anonymous websites.
Have patience, we are playing a ground game now and getting first downs.
We've been throwing too many incomplete passes in the past, trying to score
touchdowns.  Now let's hope we don't fumble the ball.  But it will require
the entire team to reach the endzone.  So we will still need everyone's
help, even from the crowd in the stands (those of you out of CA).
~  Support legalization of the Domestic Ferret     ~
~        as a companion pet in California!         ~
~              Visit the Weasel Web at             ~
~ http://www.ccnet.com/~beisners/gsfs/weasel.html  ~
~      Scott Beisner, Webmaster & President        ~
~          Golden State Ferret Society             ~
~   [log in to unmask] <<or>> [log in to unmask]    ~
[Posted in FML issue 1578]