I know everyone has heard it before but the stories make me so sad when
someone writes about their ferret dying.  A trip to the vet is not an
optional thing when a beloved pet is under the weather.  Go immediately!
Don't wait!  My oldest boy Scooter, and he is my first one 7 years old, got
sick.  He didn't seem as perky as usual so I took him right to the vet.  He
had ECE and the vet gave him a couple of injections - one to hydrate him as
with fluid loss this can be life saving.  The vet was very reassuring but
said because of his age - anything was possible.  The vet also said that
bringing him in right away possibility save Scooter's life.  I receieved
some antibiotics - to use to prevent any seconday infections.  Anyway
Scooter is alive and wonderful- feeling great.  I did have a scare that
turned out to be nothing around a year ago- then he wasn't too active also
and didn't want to leave my side.  He just wanted to be held and petted.  I
took him to the vet - right away again- an after hours emergency call!  The
vet said his stomach seemed too firm so x-rays were done- It was only gas.
You could see the gas bubbles on the x-ray.  I was very relieved and took
him right home and cuddled him.  The next day he was great.  Yes- it was
expensive and we can't really afford it - I returned to college at 42 and
only work part-time so money is tight.  (but I graduate this semester and
have been accepted into a masters program so 2 more years of broke) I could
have used the money elsewhere but I love Scooter with a passion and wouldn't
put him in jepordy no matter the cost.  So please no matter what get medical
attention asap!  A faster reaction could save your love-bug's life.
[Posted in FML issue 1577]