>From:    Jennifer Makower <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Moving to CA!! Please Help me!!
>I've just lost my job here in MA and am now thinking of relocating to CA.
>Any one who can, please E-Mail me at [log in to unmask] about any
>information about living with ferrets in CA.  From what I've heard, they
>stalk ferret owners like they would an armed robber! ...
It's not all *that* bad, if you're a bit carefull.  Different city and local
police have radically different attitudes, often department-wide... dunno
why.  In general, you're better off in larger cities, since they know what
*real* crime is.  In San Francisco, a notably liberal town in general, I had
a *wonderfull* time, encountering over 23 cops with no problem - only one
even *considered* hassling me, most of the rest were *supportive*.  One
offered $300 for Felix; I pointed him towards Reno.
In rural areas, or smaller suburban places, the cops have less to do and may
see a ferret hassle as a diversion.  The Highway Patrol are famous for that,
and of course Fish&Game Wardens will *not* under any circumstances cut you
any slack.
Running the border is easy...secret is tired ferrets well hidden, plus clean
so no distinctive weasel odor.  It's possible to have ferts shipped to Reno
International and drive 'em across yourself; you cannot fly ferts into
California although I've heard of it done.
New tactic: Get ahold of the PRI report on ferrets - it includes a great
1page synopsis of the issue plus the various lies F&G has told.  I intend to
bring copies with me when I'm out in public with the guys; it's potent
enough to mebbe convince a cop or even a local animal control officer to
slack off, although it *won't* work with Wardens.  It convinced 60 out of 67
State Assemblycritters.  See the CDFA website for order info...CDFA has a
buncha copies and could use reimbursement for 'em all.
[Posted in FML issue 1577]