I am collatong several lists of vets and vet hosp. state by state... as the
'archivist' [translates>paper slave :] ] for FA its part of the job...anyone
sending me a fax number that remains active between 12 midnight and 5 a.m.
can request a single town...area...state...or the whole country incl.
Canada... and PLEASE send me your vets name address and a little about the
level of knowledge and experience and skills...and also...please download
and print out the FAQ updated and offered here for free and the 7 medical
files also updated and free and send or fax or deliver them to as many vets
as you can afford to share with...its up to us to help our vets with ongoing
education about ferret medicine///[I also have data bases on Hedgehogs and
Sugar Gliders and several other exotic species if they are desired] If
economics are a problem...ask the vet to leave his/her fax machine on at
nite and notify me of the desired files and I will fax them direct for
you!!!  This archive is open top everyone...and anyone can contribute...I
have one file with a book full of ferret names [available on this list I
might add!] and graphics are appreciated, jokes, games (PLEASE), and
reciepes for meds foods, treats, travel foods, just anything, and
BOOKS..read and evaluate one and send me the goods and bads and could be
betters...one copy goes to file and one to the author/publisher for
consideration...so far they are very grateful!  Acopy od this FML printed
out and annotated and crossreferenced is added eac day... and how about tips
and hints for coigzistance with one to 50 fuzzies...and you shelter
folks...how about a HOW TO..for establishing a shelter/rescue program...and
one for a sanctuary too... what ya gotta have to get started..[supplies
list] and all those details...like getting the word out you are
available...and fees for adoptions and well...EVERY blessed thing you know
and all the stuff you have forgotten!!!  Need a reference vet for your 'new
to ferrets' vet to call for help and experienced conferencing...I got a
few...and if you want a good ferret vet when you need one...educate yours!!!
You might be very surprised at how inexpensive a vet fee can get when you
have hand delivered a 70 page ferret file and introduced yourself when your
fur kids are healthy and happy.... that later much needed sick fur kid visit
to the vet you helped be a better vet when you didn't need him/her might
just be amazingly easy on your checkbook.  Trust me...I delivered 8 files
that included extensive information including treatment regemins to 8 local
vets... when vaccine time rolled around...what do you know...two offerred to
order the vaccines in at cost and did all the shots for no-charge!  and the
promise to bring in Hedgies and Gliders as well as ferrets for non/intrusive
examination has resulted in several emergency night surgical proceedures
that never reached the billing clerks... Write those thank yous and send
pictures of recovered fur kids for a brag board and supply up to the minute
information and you may be surprised how grateful your local bone bender
is... And don't forget the info on Timmy and the duck soup reciepe... that
alone has gone out to 9 vets around here by nite fax and the response has
been very grateful health professionals that now, finally, have a food mix
that works and is syringe feedable.  If we don't tell them they can't
learn...and then who's fault is it if they are ignorant when we need them
And if your in a ferret free zone...just walk in and hand a manilla envelope
addressed to the vet of hosp. and smile and walk out again...at least you
got the info there and may save a fuzzy or 6 one day down the line.
 OK??  nough said  TNT  dayna  :]
 dayna frazier   102046,3162
 "Worry is the interest we pay on the trouble we borrow!"
[Posted in FML issue 1576]