Did anyone else catch the 2 hr. "BeastMaster III" TV movie on Sunday night?
It was part of the Action Pack series (Hercules/Xena), but a special 2 hr.
movie.  Marc Singer was back in the lead role of Dar.  He had a lion for his
strength, a hawk for his vision and the two ferrerts for his cunning in this
film.  The plot, like the first two films was kind of hokey, but the good
part is that the ferrets got a lot of good scenes.  At the end of the film,
the narration indicated to me that BeastMaster will be part of the Action
Pack family on a regular basis - maybe starting this summer or in the fall.
It fits in well I think with the Hercules and Xena series.  If the folks
that produce, write and choreograph the action scenes in Hercules/Xena do
BeastMaster, then it should be very good.  I caught "BeastMaster III" on the
Milwaukee, Wi.  (Channel 18) station Sunday night because it wasn't on any
of our local Chicagoland stations.  Don't see it listed for any other
stations/networks this week here.  Check your local listings.  I hope
another station will air this movie sometime soon so I can get a better
On a sad note, I had to say goodbye to my ferret Rosie this morning, but
feel fortunate that she was here to have her 10th birthday on Saturday!  She
had been having health problems over the last 8 months, and I kept watch on
her.  I wanted her to indicate to me when the time came.  That was this
morning.  She seemed to have had a stroke during the night and was in some
discomfort.  Oddly enough, she was doing good on Saturday for her birthday
celebration.  It was as if she was hanging on just long enough to make it to
her 10th year.  It was storming all day here with heavy rains, so I thought
it appropriate that "heaven's tears" were flowing along with mine.  We'll
miss Rosie a lot.
Lake Villa, IL.
[Posted in FML issue 1576]