>From:    Randy A Brown <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Kim Black's deaf ferret
Wow that was wild!  Reading about your deaf girl was like reading about my
own badger who is also deaf.  Mazzy likes to view the world upside down
while lying in my arms.  She is the best raisin dunker in the bunch (we
started with cheerios, which float and moved onto raisins) and also has
never been completely broken of her nipping habit (faces are fair game,
especially noses).  When you bop her on the nose, she hisses, war dances
away and poops beside the puppy pen, under the kitchen table where it is
very difficult to clean up.  I usually poke her in the bum to let her know
I'm coming and give her time to take off from whatever bad thing it was she
was doing.  She also sits atop the vaccum cleaner when I clean and atttacks
the hose nozzle.
One rarely sees badger/blaze ferrets here ... I have one and have met maybe
6 others ... 4 for sure were deaf as doornails.  But none of them have any
problem getting along and Mazzy is the fastest thing on four legs in the
house (although we think our little border collie may just top that soon).
As for Totally Ferret, it sounds like a great food and my ferrets ate it
once and really enjoyed it - but then, they really enjoy just about
everything.  I've got 10 ferrets full time, and in the last two weeks 9
rescues have come through...I certainly could not afford to be feeding foods
that cost that much.  There is some degree of truth to the idea that if you
market an item as a speciality, people will pay more for it.  We can't
afford to pay more, so we don't buy the food.  Besides, everyone has been
saying for so long that Iams does the trick and in my opinion Iams and a
couple of other good foods are just fine, and easier on the ole pocketbook.
[Posted in FML issue 1576]