My brother works in a Pet Store in St Louis, and occationally they get
ferrets in.  He was telling me that when they first get in, after being
airmailed... they have green slime (can't spell the d word).  The owner of
the store calls it "Toxcidity" or Koxcidity or something like that.  It is a
stress related bacteria infection.  Other animla people say its very common
in dogs and such.  The ferrets are not MArshall FArms, and I have never
gotten a good answer as to where they come from.  He thinks they come from
canada, but I have never seen them.
I told him about ECE, but he insists it is nothing so serious.  I will try
to get the specific breeder.  Has anyone heard of this bacteria thing?
[Posted in FML issue 1576]